
发布于:2024-08-20 14:43:13

惜缘之人助孕机构严格执行试管行业标准 , 整合行业优质资源 , 架起生命桥梁微-电-同-号《139-7119-3333 》,!选择正规授权试管,专业生殖团队全程服务,安心更放心专业试管生殖方案,专业的陪护照顾服务!是不孕不育,高龄妈妈的放心选择,选择我们准不会错!

来源:媒体滚动编译|李言Science, 16 AUG 2024, Volume 385 Issue 6710《科学》2024年8月16日,第385卷,6710期?化学ChemistryDecoupling the air sensitivity of Na-layered oxides

解耦钠层氧化物的空气稳定性 作者:YANG YANG, ZAIFA WANG et al. 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adm9223 摘要:


这些发现阐明了潜在的空气恶化机制,并使空气稳定NLOs的设计合理化 Abstract:Air sensitivity remains a substantial barrier to the commercialization of sodium (Na)–layered oxides (NLOs). We show here that water vapor plays a pivotal role in initiating destructive acid and oxidative degradations of NLOs only when coupled with carbon dioxide or oxygen, respectively. Quantification analysis revealed that reducing the defined cation competition coefficient (η), which integrates the effects of ionic potential and sodium content, and increasing the particle size can enhance the resistance to acid attack, whereas using high-potential redox couples can eliminate oxidative degradation. These findings elucidate the underlying air deterioration mechanisms and rationalize the design of air-stable NLOs.

天文学AstronomyRuthenium isotopes show the Chicxulub impactor was a carbonaceous-type asteroid钌同位素表明希克苏鲁伯陨石是一颗碳质小行星

作者:MARIO FISCHER-G?DDE, JONAS TUSCH et al. 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adk4868 摘要:


我们的数据表明,希克苏鲁伯撞击物是一颗形成于木星轨道之外的碳质小行星另外五个撞击结构的同位素特征与形成于离太阳更近的地方的硅质小行星更一致太古宙球粒层样品与地球吸积最后阶段含碳小行星的撞击相一致 Abstract:。

An impact at Chicxulub, Mexico, occurred 66 million years ago, producing a global stratigraphic layer that marks the boundary between the Cretaceous and Paleogene eras. That layer contains elevated concentrations of platinum-group elements, including ruthenium. We measured ruthenium isotopes in samples taken from three Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary sites, five other impacts that occurred between 36 million to 470 million years ago, and ancient 3.5-billion- to 3.2-billion-year-old impact spherule layers. Our data indicate that the Chicxulub impactor was a carbonaceous-type asteroid, which had formed beyond the orbit of Jupiter. The five other impact structures have isotopic signatures that are more consistent with siliceous-type asteroids, which formed closer to the Sun. The ancient spherule layer samples are consistent with impacts of carbonaceous-type asteroids during Earth’s final stages of accretion.

物理学PhysicsQuantum state tracking and control of a single molecular ion in a thermal environment热环境中单个分子离子的量子态跟踪与控制

作者:YU LIU, JULIAN SCHMIDT et al. 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ado1001 摘要:在此,我们报告单个分子在不同状态(“跳跃”)之间的热辐射驱动转换的实时观察。


Abstract:Here, we report real-time observations of thermal radiation–driven transitions between individual states (“jumps”) of a single molecule. We reversed these jumps through microwave-driven transitions, which resulted in a 20-fold improvement in the time the molecule dwells in a chosen state. The measured transition rates showed anisotropy in the thermal environment, pointing to the possibility of using single molecules as in situ probes for the strengths of ambient fields. Our approaches for state detection and manipulation could apply to a wide range of species, facilitating their uses in fields including quantum science, molecular physics, and ion-neutral chemistry.

公共卫生Public HealthMapping safe drinking water use in low- and middle-income countries绘制低收入和中等收入国家安全饮用水使用情况地图

作者:ESTHER E. GREENWOOD, THOMAS LAUBER et al. 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adh9578 摘要:



Abstract:Safe drinking water access is a human right, but data on safely managed drinking water services (SMDWS) is lacking for more than half of the global population. We estimate SMDWS use in 135 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) at subnational levels with a geospatial modeling approach, combining existing household survey data with available global geospatial datasets. We estimate that only one in three people used SMDWS in LMICs in 2020 and identified fecal contamination as the primary limiting factor affecting almost half of the population of LMICs. Our results are relevant for raising awareness about the challenges and limitations of current global monitoring approaches and demonstrating how globally available geospatial data can be leveraged to fill data gaps and identify priority areas in LMICs.

生物学BiologyStructure and repair of replication-coupled DNA breaks复制偶联DNA断裂的结构和修复 作者:Raphael Pavani, Veenu Tripathi, Kyle B. Vrtis et al.

链接:https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ado3867 摘要:通过使用CRISPR-Cas9切割酶,我们研究了复制机制与单链断裂(最常见的内源性DNA损伤形式之一)之间的相互作用。



Abstract:Using CRISPR-Cas9 nicking enzymes, we examined the interaction between the replication machinery and single-strand breaks, one of the most common forms of endogenous DNA damage. We show that replication fork collapse at leading-strand nicks generates resected single-ended double-strand breaks (seDSBs) that are repaired by homologous recombination (HR). If these seDSBs are not promptly repaired, arrival of adjacent forks creates double-ended DSBs (deDSBs), which could drive genomic scarring in HR-deficient cancers. deDSBs can also be generated directly when the replication fork bypasses lagging-strand nicks. Unlike deDSBs produced independently of replication, end resection at nick-induced seDSBs and deDSBs is BRCA1-independent. Nevertheless, BRCA1 antagonizes 53BP1 suppression of RAD51 filament formation. These results highlight distinctive mechanisms that maintain replication fork stability.

A hippocampal circuit mechanism to balance memory reactivation during sleep睡眠中平衡记忆再激活的海马回路机制 作者:LINDSAY A. KARABA, HEATH L. ROBINSON et al.

链接:https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ado5708 摘要:记忆巩固涉及在睡眠锐波波纹(SWRs)中活跃的海马细胞的同步再激活如何在学习后平衡这种放电率和同步性的增加以保持网络的稳定性尚不明确。



Abstract:Memory consolidation involves the synchronous reactivation of hippocampal cells active during recent experience in sleep sharp-wave ripples (SWRs). How this increase in firing rates and synchrony after learning is counterbalanced to preserve network stability is not understood. We discovered a network event generated by an intrahippocampal circuit formed by a subset of CA2 pyramidal cells to cholecystokinin-expressing (CCK+) basket cells, which fire a barrage of action potentials (“BARR”) during non–rapid eye movement sleep. CA1 neurons and assemblies that increased their activity during learning were reactivated during SWRs but inhibited during BARRs. The initial increase in reactivation during SWRs returned to baseline through sleep. This trend was abolished by silencing CCK+ basket cells during BARRs, resulting in higher synchrony of CA1 assemblies and impaired memory consolidation.





